Our Sponsors

Space Jam is a Scouting event open to other organizations like the Girl Scouts and Don Moyers Boys and Girls Club. We work on 30+ merit badges, including Robotics, Aviation, Computers, and Space Exploration. Scout unit Crew 272, provide the core of volunteers with the help of more than a hundred volunteers from other units & other community organizations. Starting in 2024, we've transitioned to a primarily web-based format!

Due to BSA insurance and youth protection requirements, ALL attending participants, for any part of the event, must be registered and pay a fee. Our costs to run this event include web & software tools, video and internet equipment, and hundred other things. We thank all of the adults who attend and whose fees help keep the costs to scouts affordable for the opportunity of a productive and fun weekend.

Scouting is widely known for developing pioneer skills like fire building and knot tying and always will, but the new pioneers are on the space station and the new skills needed are the core of our program: high-tech STEM skills. We need your help to not only continue but expand our program. Please help at whatever level of support you can.

If it wasn't for the help and support of the organizations and people listed here, Space Jamboree would have never become the event that it is today. We are very greatful for all that they have done.

If you're interesting in joining these fine organizations in supporting this event, please contact Brian.